Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a terrific day!  Jess had an amazing ride this morning in a crazy busy arena.  I don't know how they didn't all run into each other...busy, busy, busy!  Coda seems really settled and confident.  And so does Jess....

After lunch at a super diner in Chester, NJ we headed to Bevel Saddlery to pick up a few necessities.  We got back to the barn and realized it was much later than we thought...2:30!  The Jog was to begin at 4!  Jess didn't have her jog outfit on, let alone with her!  We HAD to go back to the hotel!

What a depressing trip back...we saw a "Bambi" deer on the side of the road...newly struck by a car.  (Bambi = infant deer....)  Then, when we pulled into the parking lot at the hotel we saw a beautiful Crow with something pinned.  We thought it was eating trash....WRONG!!! Oh My God, it had attacked and had pinned a sweet little sparrow.  Jess jumped out of the truck to try to save it...and just as she approached, the Crow took off with the Sparrow in it's beak.  We were devastated!

We rushed up to our rooms and I frantically hemmed and ironed Jess's jog pants.  She looked absolutely adorable.  We flew out of the hotel and drove like mad to the barn only to realize they had extended the start time for the jog from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Whew!  We had a little more time than we realized!  Jess braided Coda and then the Region 3 girls got a little crazy...some serious Bonding was to commence.  (Check out the photos!)  I gotta tell ya, that the Region 3 Girls ROCK!  They are friends, supportive of each other, teammates, crazy fun, full of life, and amazingly talented young women.  I am in awe of them all!

The jog was the most frightening I've even attended.  There was serious testosterone surging and some very scary Stallion moments!  It is wonderful that no one and no horse was injured today during the jog!

The crazy day ended with a terrific dinner at the Gladstone Tavern with Annaliese Vogt-Harber, Ellen Wall and her mom, Emily, Kati and Birgitt Dagge, Karen Lipp, and our family (myself, Mike and Jessie).  We had a blast!

Tomorrow, our own, Alyssa Eidbo, starts the entire competition off with her ride at 9 a.m. in the Brentina Cup Championship!  Wish them lots of luck!

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